On the way back from the Grand Cayon a small break in Flagstaff

Flagstaff - a small charming university town surprised us with many experiences and sympathetic people.

On the way back from the Grand Cayon a small break in Flagstaff
 Flagstaff - a small charming university town surprised us with many experiences and sympathetic people.



     Construction Consulting 

     Villa in spain 







     CHILD'S + PLAY 

Design working abroad - always a great adventure Design working abroad - always a great adventure
To get design jobs abroad, travel and work that are very often big adventure and experiences

  3rd travel to the United States with business reason

My third trip to the U.S. - my job will be there - to design and realise a showroom in Phoenix Scotsdale for Atronic. Here you can see the new company center of Atronic in Scotsdale

Context description:  Flagstaff Usa Flagstaffusa adventure Flagstaffadventure travel Flagstafftravel Usatravel Flagstaffusatravel adventuretravel Flagstaffadventuretravel tour Flagstafftour Usatour Flagstaffusatour adventuretour Flagstaffadventuretour traveltour Flagstafftraveltour Usatraveltour Flagstaffusatraveltour adventuretraveltour Flagstaffadventuretraveltour