Indoor children playground design and planning in Iasi, Romania

Indoor children's playground planning and design for children and teens - indoor playground hall and park in a large shopping center in Iasi, Romania. Interior Designer is Milo Alexander - +43 699 16417140

Indoor children playground design and planning in Iasi, Romania
Indoor children's playground planning and design for children and teens  - indoor playground hall and park in a large shopping center in Iasi, Romania. Interior Designer is Milo Alexander  - +43 699 16417140



     Construction Consulting 

     Villa in spain 







     CHILD'S + PLAY 

Design working abroad - always a great adventure Design working abroad - always a great adventure
To get design jobs abroad, travel and work that are very often big adventure and experiences

Context description:  Indoor children Indoorchildren playground Indoorplayground childrenplayground Indoorchildrenplayground park Indoorpark childrenpark Indoorchildrenpark playgroundpark Indoorplaygroundpark childrenplaygroundpark Indoorchildrenplaygroundpark planning Indoorplanning childrenplanning Indoorchildrenplanning playgroundplanning Indoorplaygroundplanning childrenplaygroundplanning Indoorchildrenplaygroundplanning parkplanning Indoorparkplanning childrenparkplanning Indoorchildrenparkplanning playgroundparkplanning Indoorplaygroundparkplanning childrenplaygroundparkplanning Indoorchildrenplaygroundparkplanning equipment Indoorequipment childrenequipment Indoorchildrenequipment playgroundequipment Indoorplaygroundequipment childrenplaygroundequipment Indoorchildrenplaygroundequipment parkequipment Indoorparkequipment childrenparkequipment Indoorchildrenparkequipment playgroundparkequipment Indoorplaygroundparkequipment childrenplaygroundparkequipment Indoorchildrenplaygroundparkequipment