Shop design features - color variation for a souvenir local

Store design and equipment - for a nostalgic gift shop with ocher and orange shades and red LED stripes and atmospheric lighting effects in the restaurant itself. The interior designer is Milo Alexander +43 699 16417140

Shop design features - color variation for a souvenir local
Store design and equipment - for a nostalgic gift shop with ocher and orange shades and red LED stripes and atmospheric lighting effects in the restaurant itself.  The interior designer is Milo Alexander  +43 699 16417140



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Gastronomy design planning and construction Gastronomy design planning and construction
Hello, my name is Alexander Milo and I´m designing and planning gastronomy projects - and also controlling during the implementation time - see developments of various projects on the following pages of restaurants designed by Alexander Milo Tel + 43 (0) 676/56-93-470

  Store design - looking for a solution for a shop to sell local souvenirs

Store design and planning - too much red, too much merchandise - our job is to create a new business facility. The interior designer is Milo Alexander +43 699 16417140

Store design ideas - recording of the stock - search for better solutions Store design ideas - recording of the stock - search for better solutions
Store design and planning - the overstock of the goods depresses the interest of visitors - for special Austrian chocolates souvenirs. The interior designer is Milo Alexander +43 699 16417140

Store design for Mozart chocolate specialties in Salzburg Store design for Mozart chocolate specialties in Salzburg
Store design with clear structure and overview - everything is mobile and flexible, and adapted to the needs and desires of the customer. The interior designer is Milo Alexander +43 699 16417140

Store design for Mozart chocolate specialties in Salzburg Store design for Mozart chocolate specialties in Salzburg
Store design with clear structure and overview - everything is mobile and flexible, and adapted to the needs and desires of the customer. The interior designer is Milo Alexander +43 699 16417140

Store design for Mozart chocolate specialties in Salzburg Store design for Mozart chocolate specialties in Salzburg
Store design with clear structure and overview - everything is mobile and flexible, and adapted to the needs and desires of the customer. The interior designer is Milo Alexander +43 699 16417140

Store design ideas - search for better distribution of presentation areas Store design ideas - search for better distribution of presentation areas
Store design and planning - classic shapes shop - for special Austrian chocolates souvenirs. The interior designer is Milo Alexander +43 699 16417140

Context description:  Austrian Souvenir shop Austrianshop Souvenirshop light Austrianlight Souvenirlight shoplight Austrianshoplight Souvenirshoplight design Austriandesign Souvenirdesign shopdesign Austrianshopdesign Souvenirshopdesign equipment Austrianequipment Souvenirequipment shopequipment Austrianshopequipment Souvenirshopequipment planning Austrianplanning Souvenirplanning shopplanning Austrianshopplanning Souvenirshopplanning lightplanning Austrianlightplanning Souvenirlightplanning shoplightplanning Austrianshoplightplanning Souvenirshoplightplanning designplanning Austriandesignplanning Souvenirdesignplanning shopdesignplanning Austrianshopdesignplanning Souvenirshopdesignplanning equipmentplanning Austrianequipmentplanning Souvenirequipmentplanning shopequipmentplanning Austrianshopequipmentplanning Souvenirshopequipmentplanning interior Salzburg