Another showroom design outfit view

A showroom lighting effect - usually when entering the room, then the light is powered up and the room is bright

Another showroom design outfit view
A showroom lighting effect - usually when entering the room, then the light is powered up and the room is bright



     Construction Consulting 

     Villa in spain 







     CHILD'S + PLAY 


Slot casino outfit planning and design in the Wettpunkt Central   Equipment planning and design for a slot casino   Equipment and slot casino design planning for a small casino in Germany   Stylish equipment and slot casino design planned for a small casino in Germany   Small slot casino interior design planning by Alexander Milo   Slot casino "Las Vegas" interior design features of Alexander Milo   Slot casino "Las Vegas" interior design features of Alexander Milo   Effective slot casino design features planned by  Milo   Over the roofs of Las Vegas - theme casino facilities and planning design by Alexander Milo   Slot casino interior facilities planning by Alexander Milo   Betting office shop decoration and interior design planning by Milo   Decorative betting office shop and slot casino features planned by Milo   Betting office shop and casino slot - wall decoration design and planning by Milo   Wettpunkt betting office shop and slot casino in the SCS - planning and interior design by Milo   Decortaion production and lighting design for a  betting office shops and slot casino by Alexander Milo   Wettpunkt betting office shop and slot casino with the integrated excellent western restaurant   Theme Restaurant interior design in Wettpunkt betting office shop in the SCS near Vienna   Theme restaurant in a betting office shop and slot casino - planning and interior design by Milo   Slot Casino theme facilities and interior design planning for the German company "Spielothek" with the name: "Golden Nugget"   Fantastic room decorations for "Spielothek" - a slot casino and gambling hall in Cologne   Here you can see the entrancet from the gambling hall in the slot casino game room   Effective decorations and lighting effects for the wall design for the slot casino interior Design in Cologne   The gambling halls range before the slot casino room   Theme interior design model for a better understanding for the customer   Floor plan for a Wettpunkt betting office shop in Vienna - with betting area and slot casino rooms   View of modern Wettpunkt betting office shops with slot casino interior design planned by Milo   Interior design planning for a modern betting office and slot casino in Vienna   Betting office and slot casino equipment and design planning of Milo   Betting office and slot casino interior design planning in Vienna by Alexander Milo   Alexander Milo's bet local and slot casino interior design planning for a betting local of  "Wettpunkt"  in Vienna   Betting office and slot casino interior design planning in Vienna by Alexander Milo   Betting office in the John Street Vienna - interior design planning by Alexander Milo   Alexander Milo developed casino equipment and interior design plans   Casino Bar Design equipment of Milo   Small cozy casino bar with decorative wall panels and LED bar   Modern, elegant betting local casino interior design in Austria   Betting office interior design features equipment - just before the opening   Betting office equipment interior design planning by Milo   Betting office local SB beverage area - in coordinated interior design by Milo   Entrance into the slot machine casino area in betting shop designed by Milo   Here a view into the slot machine casino which is separated from the betting office.   The betting office shop area - with many flat screens for looking sports events   The first guests arrived, the new betting office shop is opened ..   Showroom floor plan design - planned by Milo   Milo's technical floor plan for showroom design   Milo's showroom drawings for the wall design planning   Showroom general view of the outfit design planning   View details of showroom design equipment of Milo   Another showroom design outfit view   Casino Showroom Design equipment planning by Milo   The entrance in the Atronic showroom in Phoenix, designed by Milo  

Context description:  slot machine casino showroom slotshowroom machineshowroom casinoshowroom decoration slotdecoration machinedecoration casinodecoration interior slotinterior machineinterior casinointerior design slotdesign machinedesign casinodesign planning slotplanning machineplanning casinoplanning showroomplanning slotshowroomplanning machineshowroomplanning casinoshowroomplanning decorationplanning slotdecorationplanning machinedecorationplanning casinodecorationplanning interiorplanning slotinteriorplanning machineinteriorplanning casinointeriorplanning designplanning slotdesignplanning machinedesignplanning casinodesignplanning equipment slotequipment machineequipment casinoequipment showroomequipment slotshowroomequipment machineshowroomequipment casinoshowroomequipment decorationequipment slotdecorationequipment machinedecorationequipment casinodecorationequipment interiorequipment slotinteriorequipment machineinteriorequipment casinointeriorequipment designequipment slotdesignequipment machinedesignequipment casinodesignequipment Alexander Milo