Event Design and planning - this planning covered all few ranges and their co-ordination: Equipment, light, sound, effects… If you are interested - mail us: office@milo-designs.com
Event adventure design for the best customers of a large casino company
The best experiences of an event is - ''Surprise'' - the bus burns (apparently) and nobody know what is going on... If you are interested - mail us: office@milo-designs.com
The event continues - musical wellcome greetings for the helpless guests
The event planning and equipment will continue according to a precise map - surprised by medieval musicians and jugglers - the guests with music and drinks. If you are interested - mail us: office@milo-designs.com
Event planning - luch breack against the nervous strain ..
Event meeting design - middle age clothed ladies with typical accessoires brigs snacks and drinks to the guests..
If you are interested - mail us: office@milo-designs.com
Castle event - the castle guard is waiting for the guest..
Event design planning - the guards of the castle - whom they opened the gates - they are opened the world of emotions - nothing is like it seems.. If you are interested - mail us: office@milo-designs.com