Event & Booth design planning and equipment

Event planning and exhibition design for exceptional performances and shows, presentations are planned for you by Milo

Event on castle Rabenstein Event on castle Rabenstein
Event Design and planning - this planning covered all few ranges and their co-ordination: Equipment, light, sound, effects… If you are interested - mail us: office@milo-designs.com

Event design - castle Rabenstein event - making off Event design - castle Rabenstein event - making off
Event preparations for a large celebration - a long time before starts the work, to find the the correct place, to specify and plan the expiration and the High Lights of the event.. Shall we design your event - mail us: office@milo-designs.com



     Construction Consulting 

     Villa in spain 







     CHILD'S + PLAY 

Making off des Burg Rabenstein event  

Context description:  Event booth Eventbooth design Eventdesign boothdesign Eventboothdesign equipment Eventequipment boothequipment Eventboothequipment designequipment Eventdesignequipment boothdesignequipment Eventboothdesignequipment planing Eventplaning boothplaning Eventboothplaning designplaning Eventdesignplaning boothdesignplaning Eventboothdesignplaning equipmentplaning Eventequipmentplaning boothequipmentplaning Eventboothequipmentplaning designequipmentplaning Eventdesignequipmentplaning boothdesignequipmentplaning Eventboothdesignequipmentplaning

    Imprint / Contact  

Alexander Milojevic

Bessarabier Str. 21/4
A-5020 Salzburg

+43 699 16417140

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