3rd travel to the United States with business reason
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My third trip to the U.S. - my job will be there - to design and realise a showroom in Phoenix Scotsdale for Atronic. Here you can see the new company center of Atronic in Scotsdale
2nd travel to the United States with business reason
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Departure from Frankurt - my second trip to the U.S. - my job there will be to create a boothe design for the casino fair in Las Vegas
1st first travel to the Unites States through Colorado, Arizona and Utah
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Arrival at Denver airport - a span designating trip through the Wild West with its stunning natural
London - a wonderful city - a city full of fascinations!
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London - Job and exciting journey - a city full of fascinations - full details and loveable moments
Alpine design for a hause in the mountains in Romania
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Alpine chalet design - for a privat home in the mountains near Brasov.
On the way to the meeting point with the customer.
Exciting experiences in a " new world"
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Children playground in a shopping center in Kazakhstan - a travel in a country in the departure - a country full with visions and new exciting experiences.
Extravaganza - a travel to millionaires fair in Moscow
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The Extravaganza in Moscow - a fair for unusual objects and special pieces for millionaires - fair architecture and light design by Milo
Indoor children playground design and planning in Iasi, Romania
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Indoor children's playground planning and design for children and teens - indoor playground hall and park in a large shopping center in Iasi, Romania.
Interior Designer is Milo Alexander - +43 699 16417140
Berlin - my dream city - with a big heart
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Berlin - I love this city - Berlin with his charisma and diversity.
Berlin - something like you I have not known before .. Berlin - since I was here the first time I come here as often as possible. Berlin - inspired me - again and again I experience unexpected / surprising - it is wonderful ...