Design working abroad - always a great adventure
To get design jobs abroad, travel and work that are very often big adventure and experiences  

Design working abroad - always a great adventure

To get design jobs abroad, travel and work that are very often big adventure and experiences

3rd travel to the United States with business reason 3rd travel to the United States with business reason
My third trip to the U.S. - my job will be there - to design and realise a showroom in Phoenix Scotsdale for Atronic. Here you can see the new company center of Atronic in Scotsdale

2nd travel to the United States with business reason 2nd travel to the United States with business reason
Departure from Frankurt - my second trip to the U.S. - my job there will be to create a boothe design for the casino fair in Las Vegas

1st first travel to the Unites States through Colorado, Arizona and Utah 1st first travel to the Unites States through Colorado, Arizona and Utah
Arrival at Denver airport - a span designating trip through the Wild West with its stunning natural

London - a wonderful city - a city full of fascinations! London - a wonderful city - a city full of fascinations!
London - Job and exciting journey - a city full of fascinations - full details and loveable moments

Alpine design for a hause in the mountains in Romania Alpine design for a hause in the mountains in Romania
Alpine chalet design - for a privat home in the mountains near Brasov. On the way to the meeting point with the customer.

Exciting experiences in a " new world" Exciting experiences in a " new world"
Children playground in a shopping center in Kazakhstan - a travel in a country in the departure - a country full with visions and new exciting experiences.

Extravaganza - a travel to millionaires fair in Moscow Extravaganza - a travel to millionaires fair in Moscow
The Extravaganza in Moscow - a fair for unusual objects and special pieces for millionaires - fair architecture and light design by Milo

Indoor children playground design and planning in Iasi, Romania Indoor children playground design and planning in Iasi, Romania
Indoor children's playground planning and design for children and teens - indoor playground hall and park in a large shopping center in Iasi, Romania. Interior Designer is Milo Alexander - +43 699 16417140

Berlin - my dream city - with a big heart Berlin - my dream city - with a big heart
Berlin - I love this city - Berlin with his charisma and diversity. Berlin - something like you I have not known before .. Berlin - since I was here the first time I come here as often as possible. Berlin - inspired me - again and again I experience unexpected / surprising - it is wonderful ...



     Construction Consulting 

     Villa in spain 







     CHILD'S + PLAY 

Context description:  Millionair fair Millionairsfair booth Millionairsbooth fairbooth Millionairsfairbooth design Millionairsdesign fairdesign Millionairsfairdesign boothdesign Millionairsboothdesign fairboothdesign Millionairsfairboothdesign planning Millionairsplanning fairplanning Millionairsfairplanning boothplanning Millionairsboothplanning fairboothplanning Millionairsfairboothplanning designplanning Millionairsdesignplanning fairdesignplanning Millionairsfairdesignplanning boothdesignplanning Millionairsboothdesignplanning fairboothdesignplanning Millionairsfairboothdesignplanning

    Imprint / Contact  

Alexander Milojevic

Bessarabier Str. 21/4
A-5020 Salzburg

+43 699 16417140

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