Phoenix is located in front of me - back from my trip on the Apache Trail

Phoennix and Scottsdale are in front of us - when we come back from the mountains

Phoenix is located in front of me - back from my trip on the Apache Trail
Phoennix and Scottsdale are in front of us - when we come back from the mountains



     Construction Consulting 

     Villa in spain 







     CHILD'S + PLAY 

Design working abroad - always a great adventure Design working abroad - always a great adventure
To get design jobs abroad, travel and work that are very often big adventure and experiences

  2nd travel to the United States with business reason

Departure from Frankurt - my second trip to the U.S. - my job there will be to create a boothe design for the casino fair in Las Vegas

Context description:  Phoenix apache Phoenixapache route Phoenixroute apacheroute Phoenixapacheroute road Phoenixroad apacheroad Phoenixapacheroad routeroad Phoenixrouteroad apacherouteroad Phoenixapacherouteroad travel Phoenixtravel apachetravel Phoenixapachetravel routetravel Phoenixroutetravel apacheroutetravel Phoenixapacheroutetravel roadtravel Phoenixroadtravel apacheroadtravel Phoenixapacheroadtravel routeroadtravel Phoenixrouteroadtravel apacherouteroadtravel Phoenixapacherouteroadtravel

    Imprint / Contact  

Alexander Milojevic

Bessarabier Str. 21/4
A-5020 Salzburg

+43 699 16417140

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